Tuesday, 19 January 2016

New Years Resolution! September

I was going to call this 2nd post the long awaited second post but i wanted a little accountability, hence the title News Years Resolution; which is to say I HOPE to bemore faithful in keeping the news of what we are doing here flowing. This will be another long one, so I decided to break it down by month.


After returning from taking Noah to RVA Charles hit the ground running. He taught his first class officially as a Professor at Knox Thological College, KTC http://www.opum.org/knox/. Dr. Charles, as they call him, taught a class on Ethics which is such a hard thing here in Uganda for pastors; especially  those with connections to western churches. Here is a frequent scenario, churches in the west want to help and support churches here and send funds to do so; all well intentioned. The pastor is then considered the "Big Man" and members of his church come to him to get their financial needs met. Which fosters a dependency that turns things upside down. These men are trying to teach their congregations the bible teaches that the congregations are to support their pastors through their tithes and offerings, no matter how meager. Most of these men are subsistence farmers as well. So pray for them to be strong in the Lord and to only follow Him.

Charles with 2 of his students. The one on the left,
Leonard is also one of the gardeners on our compound.
Here is the Campus, the building
with the blue roof was built in 2015

     On the last day of class we hosted the students
for a cookout with American cheese burger and sweet tea.

It started to rain so we ate in side.
But it was only a small shower
A football game ensued: the singles against the marrieds!
The marrieds triumphed!

A former student of KTC was installed as the Pastor / evangelist  for a Church plant of the church we attend here in Mbale. This church grew from a bible study at the bore hole, well, at KTC.
There is a Muslim school which shares the drive way with the college. Students of KTC were giving water to the students of the Muslim school while evangelizing them with living water, this started a bible study and is now a church! Praise God! Please keep this new work in your prays. 

...for when I was thirsty you gave me drink...
Truly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it
to one of the least of these My brethren you
did it to Me.

Anthony Mujasi receiving the charge from Dr. Charles.

           Anthony's first benidiction:

               The Mujasi family

   Cake and sodas all around made for a wonderful Day!

Who could resist this little guy!

We also had 2 new additions to our security force.

We often have to venture into Kampala for supplies but even in the midst of the chaos, there are peaceful moments. Here is the sunrise taken from our room in the middle of the city.