Sunday, 27 November 2016

Preaching in the Village

                                             Preaching in the Village

This is the road to Kaiti Presbyterian Church of Uganda, a church out in the village. Which to us means out in the country except the roads are a little different. This one is a great road; that is unless it is raining.
Pastor Simon opened in prayer

There is always much dancing. This little guy stole the show!

The Offertory The widows mite


The churches here are trained that the pastor is the one to come to for money especially if he has ties to the West. Teaching the church members that this is their church, their pastor and they need to support Gods work through them by the giving of a tithe goes against their culture but the word of God is to be obeyed above the culture. The PCU churches are growing in their knowledge and fear of the Lord. What a blessing it is to watch. 

Communion was next

                      Charles next had the privilege to baptize 26 people young and old.

The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face shine upon you
and be gracious to you.
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and
give you peace.