Monday, 13 March 2017

A year in review 2016

Ringing in the New Year with great friends!

It was so nice to have Zach here with us!

  Fireworks and sparklers!!

     Sipi Falls, where we take visitors.                 

So, come and visit!

The avocado tree that never stopped giving!

Our house.

Youth Camp



Uganda Fast Food


Back Porch Tutoring


Hiding while her sister gets her bath,
maybe they won't see me

Sunrise on Lake Victoria.

Cooking for the teachers conference.

Remember this picture the next time you complain about cooking!

Teachers Conference

Look at all the beautiful souls baptized this Lord's Day.

Pointing to our house, we built a fire so they could see it.

Charles took his Knox Theological College students to the top of                        Mt Wanale for the first time!

Henry's baptism

USA for this handsome guy's birth!

Levi has arrived!

Quick trip to San Diego to see these cuties!

One last kiss before I go.

The baby elephant preserve in Niarobi.


 The Giraffe Center

Happy 15th Birthday to Noah

Pizza Paartay. 

A quick visit from the Wingards, teammates from South Africa.

Movie Night!

Dr. Charles the milk man.


Morning posho

Women's conference in Gulu for the Acholi women. This is the area where Koni was raiding 10 years ago,  steeling boys for his army and teenage girls for wives.

In  the midst of all their hardships they are still a beautiful people                              who show the Joy of the Lord.

They love to dance!

Robin Thomas from Thomas Charities cutting the ribbon for a local schools new latrine.

All of the women from the conference.

Walk like an Acholi.

Mothers Day at Sipi Falls

Preaching in a village church.

WELCOME Sutters!!!

Behind Sipi Falls

Teachers Conference

Preaching in the new church building.

        Futball in the garden!

Addy impressed them with her skills.

Rebecca  would rather blow bubbles than play futball!

Meeting to facilitate the rejoining of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Uganda and the Presbyterian Church of Uganda!! Praise the Lord they have joined and are now one again!



Estan is here too!

Noah's dorm

        A little Rugby

....Then Safari here we come!

Breakfast on the Mara River by the hippo pool!

A cold morning safari drive.

So glad they walked away!

Back to Uganda training and teaching at the           village schools with Addy. 

She stayed with us for several months and helped Connie with the village schools.

Annual American "Hamburger Bash"

with KTC students.

The Central Market where we buy much of our food.


      Happy Birthday Dr. Charles.

Story Time

The burial of a friend.

KTC Graduation

Our gardener Leonard getting his certificate 

from our teammate Eric Tuininga

This man's church was so proud of him!

Now that's a pan of matoke!!

Addy was a rock star, everyone wanted their picture taken with her.
This is Beth our house help and Resty our gardeners daughter.

This was our friend Colleen with his wife and son.
Colleen passed away a few months after this was taken.

Preparing food for a church meal.

A day of baptisms Praise the Lord!!!

 A Momma and her baby were baptized together!! 

Conference in South Africa.

Preaching at a crusade in the village.

This little guy was a dancing machine!
This sweet young lady died of Aids a few weeks after this was taken.

One of the Village churches as well as a school.

Men in their natural inviroment!

The Virginia Reel.

The Ndere Cultural Center

As usual Noah became part of the show!

The ride to Chimpanzee Island.

Pizza on Lake Victoria.

It was very hard to say good bye 

to our new daughter Addy!

A circumcision party! Yes, you read that correct!

Our friend Colleen's burial.

Inside our gate

Another circumcision party outside the gate!


            Our Mbale Town

Welcome Ken Montgomery

Our son Lloyd and his lovely Bride Karen.

New Life Church meal feeding over 100 children in the area surrounding the church. 

Another Teachers Conference

Team Meeting

The roads here!

Oh, the roads!!

The day God brought Alice into our lives

Grading essays with Ashbel Malingha

Teachers Conference; Calling out a child's destiny.

First time getting a rooster for preaching!

Line up for getting water at a local bore hole.

Sun rise on Mt. Wanale from our yard.

Alice and her new brother Geoffrey blowing bubles.

A party in the garden.

Alice playing with her new friend Joe Cheatwood.

Singing a hymn at a teachers conference.

The Lord's Supper

Alice carrying her Phonics basket on her head.

The border between Kenya and Uganda.

Levi is such a little man.

My Ugandan grandson, Moses.

At this Cure Hospital a doctor developed a
shunt less surgery for Hydrocephalus.

The Sicpiones came to speak at our team retreat. Of course we took them to Sipi falls

The annual team retreat!

Karaoke Time at our team Retreat

Most of the team.

preaching at the retreat.

Pastors Conference

Baptism at RVA

Thanksgiving dinner at RVA!

Lake Elementaita Kenya 

Noah's Dorm "Bros"

Womens Conference 2016

Our Kitty, she earns her keep with rats!

Flooding in Kampala

Noah played at the wedding.

Paul and Robinah's wedding

Christmas play at New Life Church. Noah was the Inn Keeper

Swimming Christmas Eve

The Christmas turkey

This concludes our year. It was so full of the goodness 
of serving our God. We love what we are doing here.
Please keep us in your prayers as we continue 
to serve our Great God here in Uganda.