Sunday, 7 February 2016

October 2015

October started with a trip to Kenya to spend Noah's mid-term break with him. 

We get to see him every 6 weeks for either a mid-term break which is a long weekend or a term break which is a month or more. 
There are zebras grazing all along the
highway in Kenya 

Always so great to get to
Buffalo Country!

We got to watch Noah play football
when he didn't know we were there!

               There are monkeys and 
                  baboons all around.


We stay at the Cure Hospital Guest house when picking up Noah. This day it was raining and 
the sun was shining, we were so high that the rainbow was below us!!! 
Sitting on top of the world.
God's creation is so amazing!

          Just chillin!      

We left the Mountain and stayed at a nearby camp. This was our house 
for a few days.

Our dear friends and teammates the Wrights were with us. They have held our hands

on the first few trips until we were comfortable making the 

10-12 hr trip  and boarder crossing by ourselves.

We had a great day riding horses in a game reserve. 


Mary and Kispy Wright, Noah's RVA buds.

Saw many animals, these zebras couldn't figure out just 
what we were!

                                           Good bye from Lake Elmenteita

Our next amazing event was at a village church:
Charles preached the Word, served communion and baptized 8 souls! 
The two adults were former Muslims!

A New Life in Christ!!!!

...And the promise is to you and your children!

This is the pastor's wife and four of their children. Look at all the food, they love to serve guests a big meal with meat. Chicken is very expense here. 

Their love is so humbling!


Just look at that sweetness!! Get me a spoon!

I have been given the opportunity to partner with an organization called Mentor. 
It has opened to door for a teammate and me to tutor reading at a local government school. 
(this is how they refer to themselves here) Mentor holds a writing contest every year. 
Here are some pictures of the students writing their essays.

A building on one of the school campuses at which we have the privilege to work.

                                                       Grading the essays with Asha Director of Mentor

Next we were off to Karamoja for a mission meeting. This is a remote area north of us. 

These guys did not hide their heads in the sand!

       Some sights along the way. 

It was market day in the trading center.

 How about some bovine cheeks 
      with a side of bowels!

....And maybe some beans and rice

Our Mission has a medical clinic in Karamoja.

Dr Knox overseeing a procedure.

The pharmacy

The  Haematology and Serology department! 

The waiting room

Our Lunch!

Ended the month with a happy birthday!

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